Motor dynamometer and its parts
Chassis dynamometer and its parts
Measuring instruments of the exhaust gas of motor dynamometer (only carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon, nitrogenous compound, methane and carbon dioxide), measuring instruments of the exhaust gas of chassis dynamometer (only carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon, methane, nitrogenous compound, and oxygen), and measuring instruments of the access air ratio and the parts
Analyzer of evaporative gas (only hydrocarbon) and the parts
Measuring instruments of particle-shape materials and the parts
Analyzer of automotive exhaust gas (only carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon), and measuring instruments of the access air ratio and the parts
Smoke log
Smoke-measuring video and the parts
Remote measuring instruments of exhaust gas of operating automobiles and the parts
Measuring instruments of atmospheric exhaust gas (only sulfurous acid gas, nitrogenous compound, carbon monoxide, total hydrocarbon and oxygen) and the parts
Automatic measuring instruments of smokestack exhaust gas (only sulfurous acid gas, nitrogenous compound, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride, ammonia, carbon monoxide, oxygen and dust) and the parts
Constant automatic measuring instruments of atmosphere (only sulfurous acid gas, carbon monoxide, nitrogenous compound, ozone and dust) and the parts
Sampling device of smokestack and the parts
Water Quality
Constant automatic measuring instruments of dissolved oxygen and the parts
Constant automatic measuring instruments of the amount of chemical oxygen and the parts
Constant automatic measuring instruments of the amount of biochemical oxygen and the parts
Constant automatic measuring instruments of total nitrogen and the parts
Constant automatic measuring instruments of total phosphorus and the parts
Constant automatic measuring instruments of total organic carbon and the parts
Constant automatic measuring instruments of hydrogen ion concentration and the parts
Noise · Vibration
Constant automatic measuring instruments of suspended solid and the parts
Vibration level meter and the parts
Leakage measuring instruments of storage facilities and the parts
drinking water
Constant automatic measuring instruments of turbidity and the parts
Constant automatic measuring instruments of residual chorine and the parts
Indoor air
Sampling devices of indoor pollutant (only formaldehyde, fine dust, volatile organic compounds, asbestos, total airborne bacteria) and the parts
Automatic measuring instruments of indoor pollutant (only formaldehyde, fine dust, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, ozone, nitrogen dioxide and radon) and the parts